Precautions for installing cutters in Single-headed 3d wire formding machine


All the Single-headed 3d  wire formding machine tools can be disassembled and assembled, which will be more obvious in terms of effect, speed, efficiency, etc. when we install the tools, sometimes there will be failures in use due to improper operation or failure to install them properly. Today, let's come to the school to pay attention to the relevant matters when installing the tools for the Single-headed 3d  wire formding machine.

I. before the operation of the equipment, adjust the characteristics of the equipment first. This process must be carried out carefully and carefully. Check whether the equipment has dust and applied iron slag, and carry out necessary cleaning to reduce the inconvenience in the middle and later stages;

II. It is very important to adjust the tool travel, pay attention to the thickness of the tool, and check whether the proportion of the left and right modules is normal;        

3、 If the size of the Single-headed 3d  wire formding machine tool is not selected properly, the product manufacturing will be unstable and the precision will be low;

IV. adjustment of angle of view. Angle of view adjustment is related to commodities. When the wire rod forming machine is bent, it can adjust the working pressure according to the barometer to prevent tool breakage;

V. if the cutter has dimensional deviation, it shall be trimmed immediately.

The above is the related matters that should be paid attention to when installing the cutting tool for the Single-headed 3d  wire formding machine. Are you clear now? For more information, please visit our website for consultation and understanding!

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